又有好朋友結婚啦!! 勾結婚公仔勾到暈啦, 今年第三對啦..終於可以休息,休息!
仙姐係我一個情同姐妹的摯友, 見到佢塭到佢陳先生依張甘愛佢的長期飯票, 我真係好開心.. =)
依對公仔好用心去勾, 因為除了裝色,仲有我對佢地兩個的祝福..陳先生的眼鏡係用金屬線屈的..
希望佢地兩個白頭到老, 永結同心
These are the 3rd pairs of wedding dolls that I crocheted this year, last pair of the year, finally I can rest a bit .. !
Cindy is a really close friend to me, she is more than a friend to me , she is kind of like a part of me , I send my best regards to her and her hubby, and wish them happy even after !