Cc's Crochet & Knit Doll house ღ.。*εїз ﻬ๑ Amigurumi House๑ﻬ ღ.。*εїз

Cc's Crochet & Knit Doll house~ Welcome to my Doll House, I want to share with you my knitting + Crochet gallery .. Amigurumi ~ Enjoy ! ~織織勾勾公仔屋~ 我創建這棟公仔屋因為我想與每個人分享我的愛好,顯示你我的勾公仔&織公仔作品, 讓你看著我的美術館 ღ ๑ ღ ღ Enjoy ღ ღ๑ ღ

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Crohet Taz, July.2005~

這是 Looney Tunes 的Tasmanian Devil, 勾針編織的, 出來都幾似,幾得意.

This is Taz in Looney Tuens. It is crocheted and from the same pattern of Bugs bunny. Pretty easy to made

Crochet Tigger, June 2005~勾針跳跳虎

這是跳跳老虎仔, 他是我勾針編織的, 用差不多一個月才勾好. 結果都幾靚仔,幾鍾意啦﹗放我張相係因為可以比你地睇到佢有幾大個佢呢,嘻嘻﹗

This is Tigger, Crochected by me, pretty challenging work, I spend more than a month to complete it, but after I completed the missionit's really worth it. It is from a crochet pattern. Included my photo too so you can se how big is it =)

Care Bear , Cindy's gift

這個玩偶是我用勾針編織給我好朋友Cindy的生日禮物, Sep.2005 , 我的朋友仙姐和我的跳跳虎拍照片

I Crocheted this Care bear to Cindy my good friend as a birthday gift , Sep.2005.. It's a bit late, but she still loves it. This is my friend Cindy, the owner of my first care bear, she took a picture with my Tigger =)

Dolphin & Starfish Oct.2005 ~海豚&海星

我用勾針編織的海豚&海星, 2005 年 10 月,我設計他們,我製作他們因為我在11月中去加勒比海旅行等著等著,所以造了他們 =)

Dolphin & Starfish that I crocheted, Oct.2005, I designed them, I made them because I can't wait to go to my Caribbean cruise in Nov.2005, so I made them and made myself feel better =)

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Bugs bunny 2005 Aug~賓妮兔2005

This is Bugs Bunny, although it don't really looks like the real bugs bunny, but still I spend a lot of time on this Crocheted one 這是賓妮兔, 相信係好多小朋友小時的玩伴, 他是我勾針編織的,雖然吾係好似不過都用了好多心思去勾架

Friday, December 16, 2005

Miffy's friend, the Lion .. 黃色的獅子 2005

Miffy 的朋友,黃色的獅子,不知道是他的名字。我 2 個月前勾針編織他...現在他坐在我男朋友B先生的汽車中 ..

Miffy's friend , the Lion, don't know what is his name. I crochet him 2 months ago and now he's seating in my boyfirend's car now..

Eeyore 2005, Crochet..

Eeyore is really challenging to crochet.. spend a lot of time doing it.. because it's hard. But I love it !

Thank you very much for your comments ~謝謝

謝謝所有各方親友的熱情Comment, 我會努力織織復織織, 創作多些可愛的公仔...加油加油

Thank you for all your comments, I'll Knit & Crochet hard and design more cute dolls

Thursday, December 15, 2005


煮煮煮, 焗焗焗, 煎煎煎....茶婆婆用超凡的廚藝係草地樹林中不停創造美味的, 有

的食譜! 茶婆婆煮嘅食物會令人開心同幸福﹗ 究竟大師傅茶婆婆係到煮,D乜?



Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Doraemon's sister, Doraemi 多啦A夢/叮噹的妹妹, 叮鈴

叮噹的妹妹, 叮鈴.. .. 在2003年勾針編織, 不是好滿意呢,因為不是很理想不是很似

Doraemi, Doreamon's sister, 2003 march

Tangerine Tree for chinese new year 2003~中國新年的桔樹

I design this Tangerine tree by myself, it's crocheted. In chinese new year, tangerine tree means lucky and gold, so I made this in March.2005 to bring myself some luck =)

2003 中國新年, 我自己設計這棵桔樹, 桔樹意味著幸運和黃金, 因此我因此我給自己一些好運

Monday, December 12, 2005

Very Ugly crocheted Monkeys 2004~ 醜陋的猴子

These Monkeys are very ugly.. haha, they are crochet, gave them to my Uncle Davy as a little gift... 2004

這些猴子是非常醜陋的, haha, 送了比我親愛的三丈..勾針公仔

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Big Clown 2005 March~編織的大小丑

This is another gift to my dearest Grandmother in 2005, it is a really big clown and it is the biggest knit doll that I made. This is a clown with little trees on his head & camera on him.. .. it height is approximately knee high, and took me 2months to finish it

在 2005 年再度編織給我最親愛祖母的一件禮物,它是編織的,在它的頭上有樹,在它的身上有攝的一個小丑...我編織最大一個公仔。大約身高是跟膝部一樣高.. 用一段長時間去完成.....大約 2 個月

Hello Kitty 2004

終於我完成我的首次的勾針公仔, 有一頂帽子的 Hello Kitty .. 僅僅用1 到 2 日,很容易做好了

These are my first Crochet dolls, Hello kitty with a hat =) it only took me like 1 or 2 days to finish it, so easy and cute

Knitting to Crochet , 編織到勾針洋娃娃

這些編織創造後,我對編織品感到有一點點乏味。然後我見認識一個新的朋友Annie,她教我如何用勾針織公仔.. 因此我開始我的勾針公仔旅程..之後我愛上勾針, 因為勾針非常快能完成一個作品, 也很多變化, 比較編織作品質感也很結實的.

After all these creation, I felt a little boring when I knit. And then I meet a new friend Annie, she taught me how to Crochet Dolls, so I started my crochet life... Of course I became
addicted to it, because when I compare crochet & knit, crochet is a lot faster, and the texture of the doll is firmer.

Esther's Wedding present


This is a wedding present to my dear friend Esther

Saturday, December 03, 2005

2004 x'mas


This is a christmas present to my mother 2004